Hamok comes with 10+ free templates to create your mock-ups. That’s not enough? Find the perfect templates here to make more beautiful mock-ups!
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Browser window flat
Browser window flat
Ultimate bundle (all templates) | Save 33%
The ultimate bundle
Apple iPhone front clay
Apple iPad Pro clay front
Bundle | Save 25%
Clay Bundle
Apple iPhone X black tilted
Apple iPhone X flat black front
Apple iPhone X flat white tilted
Apple iPhone X flat white front
Apple MacBook Pro flat white
Samsung S8 front
Cardboard small left
Cardboard small right
Cardboard tall right
Cardboard tall left
Bundle | Save 15%
Cardboard bundle
Cardboard wide right
Cardboard wide left
Apple iPhone X space gray tilted
Apple iPhone X space gray front
Apple iPhone 6 black in hand
Apple iPhone 6 white hand woods
Apple iPhone 5 white hand
Apple MacBook Pro desk
Apple MacBook Pro desk
Apple MacBook Pro spacegrey front
Apple iMac silver front
Apple iMac space gray front
Apple iMac right
Apple iMac left
Apple iPad Pro white right
Apple iPad Pro white left
Apple iPad Pro gold right
Apple iPad Pro gold left
Apple iPad Pro black front
Apple iPad Pro black left
Apple iPad Pro black right
Apple iPhone 6 white
Apple iPhone 6 black
Samsung S8 skewed
Apple iPhone 5 white hand
Microsoft Studio Spacegray
Microsoft Studio silver
Bundle | Save 25%
Microsoft Studio bundle
Apple iPhone 6 white in hand at the lake